Thursday, April 25, 2024

Cutting the cord on cable

  Last year, I started an article on "How to Dump Cable or Pay TV and Get TV Programming to Save Money" as part of...

Are CDs really better than vinyl? Vox seems to think so.

I came across this article on stating, "Viny's great, but it's not better than CDs".  The article goes onto state several items such...

Reporting back on fixing my Apple TV audio issues

This HDMI 4x4 EDID matrix switch has solved all my HDMI problems. Back in early December, I wrote about the problem I was having with...
What makes headphones sound good?

What makes a headphone sound good? The acoustics, psychoacoustics, and measurements that matter

Dr. Sean Olive and the folks over at Harman have been doing some research on the correlation between how headphones sound, headphone measurements, and...

Setting up an iTunes Media Server

On several occasions I've noted that I'm a big fan of digital music's convenience and portability.  If you're using your music in a one-to-one...

The fix for AppleTV HDMI audio and video woes and HDMI problem solving

  In my last post on "The Fix for HDMI Woes" I started to talk about how the promise of HDMI has been vastly different...

The fix for HDMI woes

Unfortunately, the promise of HDMI has never lived up to it's reality.  To be fair, if you have a simple setup—a source device connected...

Everything you need to know about DSD and SACD in a Q&A with Andreas...

AudioStream has posted a nice article on the topic of DSD and SACD in the form of an interview with Andreas Koch, who was...

Using the Automatically Add to iTunes Folder: Tips and Tricks

I love receiving emails and comments from readers and how this site has helped them out with a problem or question.  Today, I received...

Are Speaker Measurements in Reviews Valid?

Speaker measurements being conducted in an Anechoic Chamber.  Photo Credit: Sound and Vision. For audiophiles, reading a good speaker review can activate the salivary glands....